Volume 6, Issue 1

Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth

April 2009, Volume 6, Issue 1

Table of Contents

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00199 Response to Dr. Ari Brown and the Immunization Action Coalition by Andrew J. Wakefield, Mark Blaxill, Boyd Haley, Anissa Ryland, Daniel Hollenbeck, Jane Johnson, James Moody, and Carol Stott
Abstract:     Infomred consent is a crucial element of the foundation upon which ethical medical practice rests. Providing patients, parents, or guardians with an honest assessment of the risks and benefits of any medical procedure requires the physician to be , to the best of his or her ability, "informed."
     This document is produced by Thoughtful House Center for Children in response to one written by Dr. Ari Brown titled "Clear Answers and Smart Advice About Your Baby's Shots," which attempts to deal with the vaccine-autism controversy. Brown is an official spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Here document is endorsed and published by the Immunization Action Coalition (*IAC),a US organization funded by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the accine manufacturers. In short, it is the public relations arm of those who are legally and ethically responsible for vaccine safety. Given this background, one might reasonably expect a comprehensive, well-researched, and persuasive overview. Since the topic of vaccinationation is so important and because we have major concerns about the accuracy of much of what this document says, we are providing a point-by-point response. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):1907–1924]
00200 Justification for a Federal Injunction to suspend all vaccine licenses based on unreasonable health risks and causal links to chronic disease pandemics by Kent R. Holcomb
Abstract:     Saluting our unsung independent rresearxch heroes, this prototype action plan posits that the quality and quantity of new independent research now warrants a U.S. Federal District Court injunction order that suspends the licenses of all vaccines listed on the National Vaccine Program's (NVP) and Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) schedule, as the Federal District Court is a normally unbiased judicial court, unlike the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) or Secretary of Health and Human Services (SHHS) forums that appear tainted.
     Viewed through a Civil Suit 42 USC § 300aa-31 lens with its 'more likely than not' evidentiary burden and its Daubert, infra, prohibition against expert opinion reliance upon poor quality and flawed data, the surviving good quality data shows the SHHS was statutorily required to suspend the National Vaccine Program (NVP) since it "more likely than not" caused numerous neurological and immune system pandemics (e.g., autism, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders, etc). Since the SHHS knew of this linking data and intentionally exposed the public to these serous risks of harm, while attempting to hide/alter the data that showed the harm, the SHHS also violated the 14th Amendment's "Constitutional Safety Guarantees." Under these egregious and horrifying circumstances, both Sec. 300aa-31 and a 28 USC § 1331 "Bivens Action" would authorize injunctive relief, and where warranted damages. (Ref. 34)
     Unlike the formerly attempted Congressional, IOM, FDA, CDC and U.S. Federal Claims Court forums, the § 300aa-31 and "Bivens Action Court" processes ban all flawed data, accept high quality biological data over poor quality epidemiological data, and place all quality evidence of harm before a hopefully unbiased Federal Judge who is not influenced by politics or the pharmaceutical industry. Most importantly, these Judges have the authority to remedy the problem and are accustomed to restraining the conduct of Federal Executive/Legislative branch agencies that jeopardize the public safety rights. Here quality data triumphs over politics, as these Courts routinely protect our federal civil rights.
     The NVP is an umbrella for the vaccination activities of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), Advisory Committee for Immunization Practice (ACIP) and the Food and Drug Agency (FDA) among others. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):1925–1936]
00201 Analysis of causes that led to Evyn Vaughn's respiratory arrest, intracranial and retinal bleeding, and death by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Evyn, a 14-month-old male, suffered from respiratory arrest on April 21, 2007, and was taken to the Northwest Texas Hospital. He was treated with several medications but he did not show an improvement. He was pronounced brain dead on April 22. Evyn was given heparin (3600 units IV) and his major organs were harvested for donations. At autopsy, the medical examiner (ME) observed intracranial bleeding, brain edema, widening of the sagittal suture, and optic nerve sheath hemorrhage. He alleged that Evyn's bleeding, injuries, and death were caused by blunt trauma.
     Evyn's caretaker was accused of killing him. My investigation reveals that Evyn suffered from respiratory arrest as a result of bacterial infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae), pneumonia, and septicemia. Bacterial infections are confirmed by bacterial blood culture, chest CT scan exam, and blood and urine analyses.
     The likely causes of Evyn's bleeding were infections and septicemias, liver damage, vitamin K deficiency, and heparin. Hypoxia, medications, bleeding, and increased intracranial pressure (ICP) caused his brain edema and the widening of the sagittal sature. The 27 vaccines given to Evyn and treatment with corticosteroids caused significant health problems and immune depression that led to his infections.
     The ME's allegation that Evyn's death was caused by blunt trauma is not supported by medical facts. He did not exam Evyn's lungs, heart, liver, and other infected tissues grossly and/or microscopically. In addition, he did not consider infections, septicemia, heparin, vaccines, and medications in causing Evyn's health problems and death. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):1937–1958]
00202 Analysis of causes that led to baby Ron James Douglas' cardiopulmonary arrest, bleeding (intracranial, retinal, and pulmonary), and rib fracture by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Ron James Douglas was 16 weeks old when he choked after being fed and suffered from cardiopulmonary arrest. The paramedics resuscitated him and took him to a hospital. He was pronounced dead at about 25 hours following admission. An autopsy was performed and the medical examiner (ME) found subdural, subarachnoid, and retinal bleeding and an acute rib fracture of the left anterolateral 6th rib. The ME alleged that Ron's death was caused by blunt trauma to the head and trunk. Ron's father was accused of killing his son.
     My investigation reveals that Ron had a serum calcium level of 6.2 mg/dL and suffered from a severe hypocalcemia. Hypocalcaemia in children has caused seizures, respiratory disorders, laryngospasm, and/or severe cardiac disorders which resulted in sudden death. Hypocalcemia is the likely cause of Ron's choking and cardiopulmonary arrest. Ron was born 11 weeks premature and developed hyperphosphatemia at 39 days following birth. The likely causes of Ron's hypocalcemia are hypoparathyroidism and hyperphosphatemia. He also developed hemolytic anemia and his thymus was involuted. His hemoglobin level and hematocrit value were 6.2 g/dL and 19.4%, respectively.
     Ron's intracranial bleeding developed following admission to the hospital and the likely causes of his bleeding are acute liver injury, treatment with epinephrine, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). In addition, severe anemia contributed to his retinal bleeding. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the likely cause of Ron's rib fracture. The clinical and the medical studies described in this report do not support the ME's allegation that Ron was killed by blunt trauma. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):1959–1976]
00203 Analysis of causes that led to baby Huda Sharif's intracranial and retinal bleeding and fractures of the left humerus and the 7th rib by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Huda was 10-weeks-old when her parents took her to the hospital on July 13, 2008. She was diagnosed with subdural hygroma, an acute left mid shaft humerus fracture, healed left 7th rib fracture, and minor retinal bleeding. Her blood coagulation and genetic osteogenesis imperfecta tests were normal. Her father was accused of causing the bone fractures and arrested. Huda and her 15-month-old sister were placed with a foster family.
     My investigation reveals that the likely source of Huda's subdural hygroma is subdural bleeding. Huda was born at 40 weeks gestation by vacuum assisted Caesarian-section and her head circumference increased by 2.1 cm within 5 days. It is likely that the vacuum instrument caused subdural bleeding. Increased intracranial pressure led to retinal bleeding.
     vitamin K, vitamin D 25-hydroxy, and protein deficiency contributed to Huda's rib and humerus fractures. She had lost 167 g between July 7th and 24th. The synergistic actions among the following factors led to her humerus fracture: a) Vitamin and protein deficiency led to bone weakness; b) vaccines received on July 7th caused inflammation, edema, and the release of vitamin D, 1, 25-dihydroxy. Huda's serum level of vitamin D, 1, 25-dihydroxy was 166 pg/mL (369% of normal). It stimulated osteoclasts and increased bone resorption. Her length decreased by 1.9 cm within 6 days after vaccination; c) Edema led to her arm muscles to stretch and force the humerus to fracture at week points. Her weight gain rate after vaccination was 309% of her expected rate. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):1977–1991]
00204 Increasing numbers of sudden death in children and young adults—Kawasaki's disease, Behcet disease, Goodpasture's disease, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Takayhasu arteritis, infantile arteritis nodosa or a good old immunopathological vasculitis? by Viera Scheibner
Abstract:     Increasing numbers of sudden cardiac deaths, in which aneurysms of the large arteries play an important role, are being reported all over the world, but especially in industrially developed countries. Even though orthodox medicine is at a loss to understand and explain (another of the 'mysteries') these increases, the problem has previously been described as an acute febrile vasculitis of infancy and childhood. In 1967, Tomisaki Kawasaki described these conditions as a possible new disease affecting infants and young children since the 1960s. Since then, the problem has been reported all over the world and given a number of names depending on which organs, besides the heart, are affected. However, the common underly-ing condition is immunopathological vasculitis. This article presents and reviews the relevant published studies, which collectively reveal that vac-cines and other pharmacological agents are the primary causal factors. To educate clinicians, the emphasis is on case histories. As the age of the reci-pients of a variety of vaccines increases, so does the age at which Kawasaki disease results in sudden deaths. It is a time bomb that can only be stopped by abandoning mass vaccination and reconsidering the full extent of medication-related iatrogenic harm. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):1992–2011]
00205 Vaccine Overrview, Part II: Inadequate safeguards, complications from the MMR vaccine, brain hemorrhages attributed to Shaken Baby Syndrome, and are vaccines contributing to genetic change? by Harold G. Buttram
Abstract:     This paper address the four key vaccine-related topics that follow: (1) Grave and growing concerns about our current health bureaucracies and their failures to provide adequate safe-guards in today's mandatory childhood vaccine programs, which may have contributed to the current epidem-ics of childhood autism, allergies, and related disorders; (2) known and suspected complications from the powerfully immunosuppressant MMR vac-cine, and brain inflammation from vaccine adjuvants; (3) many cases of brain hemorrhages now being attributed to the Shaken Baby Syndrome are more likely due to unrecognized vaccine reactions; and (4) the ultimate question: Are vaccines sowing the seeds of genetic change? [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2012–2021]
00206 Citizens petition to recall all vaccines that contain ingredients that have not been shown to be safe by K. Paul Stoller
Abstract:     This is a petition to the Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) filed under 21 CFR 5, 10 to request a recall of all vaccines that contain ingredients that have not been shown to be safe. The FDA has a responsibility, not fully met, to regulate these products on behalf of the pub-lic's health and well-being, but safety is in the hands of those who have been mandated to promote vaccine and are party to lawsuits by vaccine in-jured children. There has never been any accountability for the SV40 virus given to millions upon millions of Americans in the polio vaccine. This virus is now found in many lymphomas and solid tumors. Nor has there been accountability for any untoward ingredient in vaccine, so contaminated vaccines are used with abandon and there is no understanding of the synergy of toxic ingredients. Regulations of both safety and efficacy should be keeping these poisons from the public but the regulations are not being enforced. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2022–2023]
00207 hCG Diet Protocol: case study of female, age 56 by Gary S. Goldman
Abstract:     The hCG diet protocol has endured despite much medical controversy. Opposing doctors (usually with conflicts of interests) will argue that (1) there is no such thing as "different" body fats, (2) the same weight loss is achieved on a 500 calorie diet without hCG injections, (3) the idea of resetting one's metabolism and hypothalamus is bogus, and (4) the protocol is potentially harmful. Yet, the positive experience of those using the protocol provides powerful evidence that contradicts these criticisms and upsets such critics. U.S. clinics do exist that provide the daily hCG injections ranging from $500 to $1,500 per month. Pounds and Inches: a new approach to obesity by A. T. W. Simeons, which first detailed the hCG diet in the 1950s, was republished in Medical Veritas, volume 5, issue 2 (November, 2008) along with two recent case studies.
     The reality is that the very low concentration of hCG that comprises a daily, self-administered, subcutaneous injection used for the diet protocol appears very safe and has been successfully used by thousands of individuals. At a cost ranging from $60 to $100 per round, females and males generally lose on the average 1/2 pound and 1 pound per day, respectively, during a 30 to 40 day course.
     In this case study involving a 56 year old female, successful weight loss was achieved and the individual experienced generally improved health. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2024]
  FREE Preface to Essays by Martin J. Walker by Marco Mamone-Capria 2025
00208 Sir Richard Doll: Death, Dioxin, and PVC by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     Some months after his death in 2005, while researching Sir Richard Doll in the Wellcome Institute library, I came across Doll's correspondence with Monsanto in which Monsanto awarded him an increased consultation rate of £1,000 a day, whenever he did their bidding. I had been looking for evidence of Doll's conflict of interest since the mid nineties when I found out about the case of Epidemiologist Lennart Hardell. In 1985, this Swedish epidemiologist had given evidence to the Australian Royal Commission on the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. At the end of the Commission, that had, from the beginning, been a creature of Monsanto, Doll wrote to Justice Phillip Evatt, who had presided over the hearings, suggesting not only Lennart Hardell's evidence but the whole of his academic output on the subject of Dioxin should be struck from the academic record. When I heard this and then met Hardell, I made up my mind that I would do everything I could to clear his name.
     In 1998, I published an article, 'Sir Richard Doll, a questionable pillar of the cancer establishment', in The Ecologist. This article showed how Doll had always taken the side of industry in toxic disputes. In 2003, I researched and wrote an essay that centred on Doll's work on PVC. While my research didn't solve the riddle of his vicious attack on Hardell, it clearly revealed a very close relationship between Doll and the chemical industry.
     Unfortunately, even after I added the information about Doll and Monsanto, my essay had little impact. In 2006, I was able to include the information about Doll in a paper published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 'Secret Ties to Industry and conflicting Interests in Cancer Research' (Hardell et al.). [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2026–2037]
00209 The Ghost Lobby and Other Mysteries of the Modern Physic—Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and New Labour by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     Throughout 2005 and 2006 I worked on my book about the campaign of a group of women against the Wyeth pharmaceutical company for the damaging effects of HRT. I wrote my essay The Ghost Lobby after I had published my book on HRT and almost immediately following the publica-tion of the House of Commons Health Committee Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Inevitably, I find myself in a very small minority when I write about the pharmaceutical industry and government. However, in this case, I was in a minority of one. While others saw the report as a swinge-ing indictment of Big Pharma, liberally set lose by New Labour, I saw it as a put up job aimed at exposing selected dirty laundry of Big Pharma so that the relationship between New labour and the pharmaceutical industry could advance in the areas of vaccine manufacture and the introduction of cognitive behaviour substances, the next big market for the industry. My essay looked at the relationship between parliament, government and the pharmaceutical industry. I chose Wyeth as the focus for the essay because, while writing my HRT book, I discovered that the government and the NHS had formed a partnership strategy for marketing and supporting sales of HRT whatever the adverse reactions. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2038–2060]
00210 Uncomfortable Science and Enemies of the People by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     I had wanted for some time to write an account of Henrik Ibsen's play 'An Enemy of the People'; the narrative of the play uncannily replicates the situation, feelings and social consequences of the case of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. My analysis of the play is hopefully not an academic exercise but an account that provides an insight into the way in which those with vested interests behave and how we might combat them. One of the most impor-tant aspects of any comparison between the play and the case of Dr. Wakefield touches on the fact that despite its age and its national circumstances, the message of this play is still clearly germane to contemporary situations. One reason for this is that Ibsen chose not only an environmental toxin as his dramatic spark but also in the play's central character, a medical doctor who moved from clinical observation to a rough form of epidemiology. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2061–2066]
00211 An Interest in Conflict? The "conflict of interest" policy of the General Medical Council and the fitness to practice hearing of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Professor Walker-Smith, and Professor Simon Murch by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     Over the last twenty years, my 'academic' area of specialisation has been conflict of interest and vested interest. As I say in this essay, the conflict over MMR has been shot through with conflict of interest, manipulated by the medical establishment and pharmaceutical corporations. The fitness to practice hearing at the General Medical Council (GMC), essentially a trial of Dr. Wakefield and two other doctors, has witnessed a number of inci-dents, the first was when Professor Dennis McDevitt was proposed by the GMC as the 'Panel' or jury chairman. When it was disclosed by campaign-ers that McDevitt had been on the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunology that had agreed the licensing of Urabe strain MMR, he was speedily dropped and Dr. Surendra Kumar became his replacement. Well into the hearing in October 2008, I decided to look at Dr. Kumar's back-ground. I found that at least until the year that the sitting began, he had a shareholding in GlaxoSmithKline, as well as a number of other relationships with drug companies. When this essay was put up on the CryShame web site, rather than simply issue a statement resolving the suggestion of Dr. Kumar's shareholding, the essay invoked the wrath of the GMC and I was publicly reprimanded by the panel Legal Assessor. After a great deal of argument, correspondence and posturing by the GMC during which they never admitted, denied or explained Kumar's shareholding, it transpired that the GMC did not have a conflict-of-interest policy. This was particularly ironic when one of the major charges being brought against Dr. Wakefield was that he had not declared a conflict of interest in his The Lancet case-review paper on the relationship between Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2067–2076]
00212 The Complainant—Brian Deer, the ABPI, Medico-Legal Investigations, and Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     I wrote 'The Complainant' in March 2008, after the GMC hearing had been going on for almost a year. Throughout this time and later Brian Deer denied that he had made the original complaint to the GMC, or that the complaint had grown directly from his 2004 Sunday Times article. In this essay I tried to trace Deer's background and give some indication as to why he would have been involved in writing his article in The Sunday Times and then making the complaint. This essay elicited a furious response from Deer who publicly denounced me as a 'Dribbling Idiot', inside and out-side the GMC, while furiously denying that he was in any way associated with the pharmaceutical industry. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2077–2092]
00213 An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article—"Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred" by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     I published my essay The Complainant about Brian Deer's role in the GMC fitness to practice hearing against Dr. Wakefield, Professor Murch and Professor Walker-Smith during a recess in the hearing. Following his name calling of me as a 'dribbling idiot', Deer posted an article about me on his website. The article was venomous and full of very personal insults. After some thought, I decided to reply with a rebuttal. Such attacks pre-sent complex problems for independent campaigners who consider that they are working on behalf of specific groups and do not have the support of institutions or publication and are unable to answer within an academic context. Some campaigners disagreed with my evaluation of this situation, feeling that the nature of Deer's attack exposed his real nature and there was little need for a rebuttal. However, I think that campaigners should take every opportunity to answer publicly voiced criticisms even when they are as low and ignorant as those expressed by Deer. Otherwise allegations sink into the campaigning fabric to be repeated as gossip in the future. If I had to quote an authority for this view, though not for my very subjective style of rebuttal, it would be the late Serge Lang, who in his seminal book Challenges (Springer 1996) lays down with beautiful exactitude the proc-ess by which one answers attacks and propaganda. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2093–2105]
00214 Vaccine Damage Denial and the British Press by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     This article was written for The Autism File in 2009 and represents a summary version of one of the chapters in my e-book Brave New World of Zero Risk. During the time of the character assassination of Dr. Andrew Wakefield in Britain, many campaigners repeated the mantra, 'It isn't censor-ship, it's just that many journalists see this story as being played out.' The idea that the press is somehow free from pharmaceutical, government, or other corporate intervention is a very naive and, in writing this article, I wanted to correct this view. Anyone who wants to put this short article in a wider context might like to read Flat Earth News by Nick Davies, published by Vintage in 2009. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2106–2112]
00215 To Encourage the Others by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     This essay and the one that follows, 'The Urabe Farrago' were written with the intention of throwing lght on the decision making process of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the National Health Service (NHS) and the pharmaceutical industry. Since the beginning of vaccination with Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR), the government has denied the existence of vaccine damage. The two-year General Medi-cal Council (GMC) 'trial' of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and two other doctors has been one consequence of the view that the vaccine was perfectly safe. In this essay, I looked the various areas of possible vaccine damage, their causes and how the official agencies have tried to argue them away. This essay became the subject of a threat of legal action for defamation from Dr. David Salisbury the Director of the department of Vaccination and Im-munology inside the NHS. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2113–2124]
00216 The Urabe Farrago—A Recent Historical Example of Corporations and Governments Hiding Vaccine Damage for the Greater Good by Martin J. Walker
Abstract:     Despite the continued denials of the government, lobby groups and the National Health Service (NHS) of vaccine damage, many people were aware that two brands of MMR containing the Urabe mumps viral strain had been withdrawn by the government four years after they were intro-duced because of adverse reactions. In fact, Urabe-containing MMR had been withdrawn in Canada before it was even introduced in Britain, solely because of serious aseptic meningitis outbreaks. The government and the NHS airbrushed out this major vaccine failure and GlaxoSmithKline con-tinued to sell the dangerous vaccine to developing countries, where they still monitored its adverse reactions. This essay used the experience of Urabe-containing MMR to highlight the dangerous deception practised by the British government when they claim that vaccine damage does not exist. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2125–2146]
    Parent Forum:  
00217     The Life of Ian Larsen Gromowski: Sunrise June 25, 2007 to Sunset August 10, 2007 by Deanna Gromowski
Abstract:     No Abstract Available [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2147–2153]
00218     Cameron's dad asks, "What happened?" by Mike Bruce
Abstract:     Mike Bruce and Elizabeth were the parents of twins, Cameron and Dalton, who were born eight weeks prematurely in Rapid City, South Dakota. They fought hard to live. Later, baby Cameron died. Then Dalton was taken by the state. As happens over and over again, the state looks to the mother instead of repeated contraindicated medical interventions as the cause. Currently, the parents have lost two children. The state belittles their tragedy by pointing at them. [©Medical Veritas, 2009 Apr; 6(1):2154–2155]
    Book Reviews:  
        Corrupt to the Core: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower by Dr. Shiv Chopra 2156
        Devil in the Milk—Illness, health, and the politics of A1 and A2 milk by Keith Woodford 2157
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