Volume 3, Issue 1

Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth

Apr. 2006, Volume 3, Issue 1

Table of Contents

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00094 The FDA's acceptance of Brachman's 1950's anthrax research: Good politics? Maybe. Good science? No. by Walter R. Schumm and Meryl Nass
Abstract:     In December 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its Final Order on anthrax vaccine, declaring it to be 92.5% effective for preventing both inhalation and cutaneous anthrax infections. While the FDA failed to discuss in its report many of the limitations found in the original research reports by Brachman et al. (1960, 1962), it did rebut an argument presented previously in Medical Veritas (2005) concerning the lack of statistical justification for combining data from the four textile mills involved in Brachman's studies. In contrast to the FDA's conclusions, research here demonstrates that the vaccine's efficacy was not consistent across the four mills, varying substantially from one mill to the next and was lower, across all the four mills, than the alleged 92.5% rate. It is observed that the Arms Mill, which had only nine cases of anthrax during its "epidemic," had over 200 cases of the flu during the same time period. Even the number of subjects in the treatment and control groups changed from one report (1960) to another (1962). Not only was Box's M test significant, indicating that data from the four mills should not be combined, Levene tests indicated similar problems with heterogeneity of variance across data from the four mills. A variety of statistical tests support the hypothesis that there were substantial differences among the four mills, especially in terms of refusal rates, which had a direct bearing on the validity of the way in which subjects were divided between treatment and control groups. FDA's regulatory decisions with respect to anthrax vaccine absorbed, while politically expedient, appear to lack the scientific basis mandated in federal statute and affirmed by U.S. Supreme Court precedents. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):747–752]
00095 Critical evaluation of the Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) biomedical intervention in autism: A parent perspective by Lorene Amet
Abstract:     Today's parents who receive a diagnosis of autism for their child are less likely to accept the verdict of "untreatable", particularly when no plausible explanation is offered for the child's withdrawal into autism following a period of normal development. The biomedical approach to autism advocates that autism is treatable and provides much needed hope for parents. Whilst some medical and scientist professionals advocate this approach, there is at present some controversy regarding its rationales and claims of efficacy. This paper reviews the evidence of clinical and medical abnormalities reported in autism, in the areas of heavy metal toxicity, gut inflammation, food intolerance and dietary intervention, as well as cellular metabolism, evidences that substantiate the biomedical approach. This paper also reports on a single case study of a child (LA) during his first 18 months of treatment. Improvements were measured in the majority of the pre-treatment abnormal biomedical factors and this correlated to some improvements in behavior, communication and cognition. This work warrants further investigation into the biomedical approach to autism and argues that every child diagnosed with autism deserves thorough medical investigation and to receive a treatment addressing specifically his or her biomedical issues. The paper calls for redefining autism from its medical and clinical underlying factors rather than from its behavioral features, and raises the issue of experimental design requirement to evaluate its efficacy, taking into account the complexity of the treatment, the time of the intervention and the child specific uniqueness of its main components. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):753–766]
00096 Comparative analysis of the autopsy reports of Destiny Jacobo and Eliza Jane Scovill by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Destiny Jacobo, a 21 month-old Hispanic female toddler, died suddenly in December of 1995 in Los Angeles, California. The Los Angeles County Coroner, Dr. James K. Ribe, conducted an autopsy on Destiny on December 9, 1995 (Case No 95-09550). Ribe listed the cause of death in his report of February 13, 1996 as shaken baby syndrome with associated head trauma. He also alleged that there was forcible rectal insertion causing a retrorectal contusion. Destiny's parents were accused of abusing and killing their daughter. They were convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The mother has been incarcerated since 1996; the father served five years of a life sentence before being released in 2001. Destiny's family and their attorney requested that I review the autopsy report to identify the probable cause(s) of their daughter's sudden acute illness and death. My analysis of the autopsy report indicates that the child died as a result of infections and vitamin K deficiency. It also shows that the allegation of sexual abuse is not supported by medical facts. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):767–771]
00097 Autism as a Minamata disease variant: analysis of a pernicious legacy by Kenneth P. Stoller
Abstract:     Minamata Disease is a myriad of neurological and neurodevelopmental symptoms stemming from the pollution of Minamata Bay, Japan with 27 tons of organic mercury by the Chisso Corporation. The corporation denied responsibility and continued to pollute waterways for three decades. While research findings showing mercury was the cause of Minamata disease were concealed by the corporation, a number of committees, of which Chisso Corporation employees were members, were formed to research the problem. The committees denied this information and refuted the direct link of mercury. Today, the causes of autism and several neurodevelopmental disorders may be linked to mercury. Genetic and environmental risk factors are involved, but the epidemic increase in autism parallels cumulative mercury exposure through Thimerosal containing vaccines. Children with autism have a decreased detoxification capacity with a higher mercury exposure during pregnancy due to maternal dental amalgam and Thimerosal containing immunoglobulin shots. In vitro, mercury and Thimerosal in levels found after vaccination inhibit methionine synthase (MS) by 50%. Normal function of MS is crucial in biochemical steps necessary for brain development, attention and production of glutathione, an important mercury-detoxifying agent. Autistic children have significantly decreased levels of reduced glutathione. Numerous committees from numerous agencies have met in response to the growing evidence in support of mercury as the etiology of a growing epidemic. Research papers were created and reports generated all apparently predetermined to exonerate Thimerosal and control vaccine policy, from both within and outside the United States. Today, Thimerosal has been reintroduced back into the routine vaccine schedule with pressure from the WHO and the CDC based on the strength of what appears to be flawed and/or fabricated data whose influence remains unchecked; meanwhile, mercury exposure continues to increase the number of learning disabled and dependent children. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):772–780]
00098 Polio eradication: experts have misled us by Yash Paul
Abstract:     In 1988 the World Health Assembly passed resolution WHA 41.28 which committed the WHO to the global eradication of poliomyelitis by 2000. India is among the few remaining countries where despite pulse polio immunization (PPI) campaigns for the past eleven years, polio has not been eradicated. There has been very high incidence of vaccine failure with OPV; children are known to have developed polio despite taking many doses of OPV. No efforts have been made to discover the reasons for poor vaccine performance. OPV can cause Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP) due to neurotoxic mutant vaccine polioviruses. Although incidence is extremely low in immunocompetent individuals, this risk is very high in those who are immunocompromised. Failure to provide IPV can be construed as a deliberate action to put some persons at avoidable risk of developing polio. The India Experts Advisory Group (IEAG) has seemingly misled the nation for many years with repeated assurances that polio will be eradicated very soon. Deadlines for polio eradication have been extended from 2000 to 2002, 2004, and then 2005. No serological studies have been conducted during this time to discover if the vaccine is generating sufficient antibody protection in vaccine recipients. IPV has not been made available in India due to frivolous excuses that include IPV, being injectable, has to be administered by trained personnel and carries all the complications of injections. Rather than acknowledging the ineffectiveness of polio vaccine, the experts erroneously blame failure of the program on those children who had not participated in the pulse polio immunization, implying that wild poliovirus circulation is maintained because of these non-participants. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):781–785]
00099 Dissecting Known Factors in Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Introduction to the 18th European Conference of Neuro-Developmental Delay in Children with Specific Learning Difficulties (Chester, U.K., March 18/19, 2006) by Sally Goddard Blythe
Abstract:     This introduction to the conference provides a general overview of subjects to be covered by individual speakers with particular focus on Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD's). The introduction discusses the rising tide of ASD's in the western world, problems of consistent diagnosis, comorbidity and the functional links between abnormal sensory perception, dysfunction of posture, balance and motor skills, early feeding problems and disorders of biochemistry. The developmental histories of 9 children in the U.K. and 16 children in Italy diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorders from conception to diagnosis are traced and the results discussed in relation to differences in presenting symptoms, causes and possible pre-disposing factors. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):786–795]
00100 Gastrointestinal comorbidity, autistic regression and Measles-containing vaccines: positive re-challenge and biological gradient by Andrew J. Wakefield, Carol Stott, Kirsten Limb
Abstract:     Background: A temporal association between exposure to measles-containing vaccine (MCV) and autistic-like developmental regression in a subset of children with enterocolitis has been reported. Measles virus (MV) was detected in ileal biopsies from these children at higher prevalence than in developmentally normal pediatric controls. This study tested the hypothesis of a dose-response effect of MCV exposure on intestinal pathology, as evidence of a causal association. Methodology/Principle Findings: Children with normal early development and autistic-like developmental regression were divided into two groups: re-exposed children (n=23), who had received more than one dose of a measles-containing vaccine (MCV), and once-exposed children (n=23), who had received only one dose of MCV. The groups were matched for sex, age, and time-elapsed from first exposure to endoscopy. Comparisons included: secondary (2o) gastrointestinal (GI) and related physical symptoms and observer-blinded scores of endoscopic and histological disease. Re-exposed children scored significantly higher than once-exposed for 2o physical symptoms including incontinence, presence of severe ileal lymphoid hyperplasia, number of biopsies with epithelial damage and number of children with acute inflammation. Markers of acute inflammation included number of children affected and proportion of biopsies affected. Conclusion/Significance: The data identify a re-challenge effect on symptoms and a biological gradient effect on intestinal pathology, which links MCV exposure to autistic-like developmental regression and enterocolitis. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):796–802]
00101 Manual medicine of functional disorders in children by Heiner Biedermann
Abstract:     Manual Therapy in Children (MTC) deals with the dysfunction of the (cervical) spine during a crucial period of neuro-motor development. Based on 25 years of clinical experience this biomechanic and neuro-developmental framework is presented and the effects of a malfunction of the cranio- cervical junction are shown. The concept of KISS (kinematic imbalances due to sub-occipital strain) is proposed as a diagnostic tool to bring together the diverse symptoms caused by it. These start in the first weeks of life with cry-babies and colic, later fixed posture—torticollis—and retardation of the motor development. In school children the symptoms become more diffuse and are summarized under the acronym KIDD (KISS-induced Dyspraxy & Dysgnosy). The basics for diagnostic and therapy are presented. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):803–814]
00102 Application of acoustic-vibrational Musica Medica method in medicine and special education by Y. Schiftan and A. Stadnicki
Abstract:     Musica Medica is a modern method of stimulating the human body and brain with music and its vibrations. It uses two sensory inputs, touch and hearing and initiates enhanced brain reactions. As a result of this, it gives better pedagogical and therapeutic results. This stimulation causes changes within the neural network within the brain, not only temporary emotional changes but also permanent changes like the improvement of concentration or the disappearance of pain. Using the latest methods of brain research, where the activity of neurological structures can be viewed, an old truth that music is a cure for both "body and soul" has been verified. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):815–820]
00103 Commentary—Thimerosal: What the Lister Hill transcript did not clearly state! by Paul G. King
Abstract:     This presentation focuses on several aspects of the Lister Hill transcript that were not clearly stated during the two-day presentation held October 11-12, 1999. Topics discussed include: (1) Thimerosal has not been proven "sufficiently non-toxic", (2) Thimerosal is not an effective bactericide, (3) Thimerosal is a strong antigen adjuvant, (4) how Thimerosal results in lower manufacturing costs, (5) how "antigen adjuvancy" causes hidden health costs, (6) disinformation on Thimerosal "half-life", (7) Thimerosal (Merthiolate), ethylmercury hydroxide, and "inorganic mercury" are toxic in humans at "tissue" levels below 0.02 ppm, (8) "Thimerosal preserved" vaccines were known to be toxic to babies years before 1999, and (9) managing the continued use of "Thimerosal preserved" vaccines. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):821–826]
00104 The National Vaccine Advisory Committee Sponsored Workshop on Thimerosal Vaccines, August 11, 1999, Lister Hill Auditorium by The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, CDC
Abstract:     The transcript of the sponsored workshop on Thimerosal Vaccines held Wednesday, August 11, 1999, at the National Institutes of Health, Lister Hill Auditorium, Bethesda, Maryland. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):827–862]
00105 The National Vaccine Advisory Committee Sponsored Workshop on Thimerosal Vaccines, August 12, 1999, Lister Hill Auditorium by The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, CDC
Abstract:     The transcript of the Sponsored Workshop on Thimerosal Vaccines held Wednesday, August 12th, 1999, at the National Institutes of Health, Lister Hill Auditorium, Bethesda, Maryland. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):863–900]
00106 Hypothesis—Examining the causes of AIDS by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Review of the medical literature on the causes and the pathogeneses of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) revealed the following facts: (1) AIDS in drug users and homosexuals in the USA and Europe is actually caused by the heavy ancillary use of glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressive agents to medically treat the wide range of the chronic serious illnesses caused by drugs and medications and infections. (2) AIDS in hemophiliacs is related to the use of corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents to prevent the development of antibodies for factors VIII and IX and other clotting factors and to treat chronic illnesses. (3) AIDS in people receiving blood and/or tissue is related to the use of glucocorticoids to prevent reactions of transfusion and tissue rejection and other illnesses. (4) AIDS in infants and children is caused by their exposure to drugs and corticosteroids in utero and their exposure to corticosteroids after birth used to treat infectious and noninfectious illnesses. (5)
     AIDS in Africa is caused by malnutrition, release of endogenous cortisol, and by opportunistic diseases. (6) HIV is a harmless virus both in the in vivo and the in vitro settings and the HIV-hypothesis needs to be reevaluated. (7) The use of glucocorticoids, Zidovudine (AZT), and protease inhibitors to treat AIDS patients are contraindicated. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):901–913]
00107 Editorial—Thimerosal: Proven systemic human poison, immunogen and autoimmunogen, and suspect human, proven animal tertatogen (mutagen) by Paul G. King
Abstract:     A letter to the mercury-poisoned, their parents and guardians, and the media.
     I am weary of those apologists for Thimerosal in medicine who, faced with the realities set forth in this title, continue to support the use of Thimerosal in vaccines and other medicines and medical preparation systems without any unequivocal toxicological proof of what is the SAFE level of Thimerosal in any of these products. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):914–915]
00108 Commentary—Autism Spectrum Disorder: How medical, societal, educational and environmental changes have contributed to an epidemic by Patricia S. Lemer
Abstract:     Daily, I question the role played by medical, societal, educational and environmental changes in the epidemic of autism spectrum disorders. With conservative estimates at one in six children having developmental delays requiring intervention, we are forced to consider prevention. Skeptics suggest that identification of an increasing number of affected children is a result of better diagnostic techniques and more comprehensive categories. Others argue convincingly that a clash of genetic susceptibility with environmental triggers, such as mercury, pesticides and other known neurotoxins, is responsible.
     Could we also be exacerbating the above factors with slow, subtle changes in society, schools and families? This commentary provides an overview of differences between practices 30 years ago, and those now, followed by common sense guidelines for healthcare professionals, educators, and parents. By adhering to these blueprints, all parties can work collaboratively in the best interest of today's children. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):916–920]
00109 Interview with Dr. Boyd E. Haley: Biomarkers supporting mercury toxicity as the major exacerbator of neurological illness, recent evidence via the urinary prophyrin tests by Boyd E. Haley and Teri Small
Abstract:     In the recent past, several biological finds have supported the hypothesis that early exposure of infants to Thimerosal was the major exacerbation factor in the increase in autism-related disorders since the advent of the mandated vaccine program. These initially included the observations of a genetic susceptibility impairing the excretion of mercury and the increased retention of mercury by autistic children. This was followed by data indicating that autistics have low levels of the natural compound glutathione that is necessary for the bilary excretion of mercury, possibly explaining the genetic susceptibility. Other observations clearly point out that various biochemical processes are inhibited at exceptionally low nanomolar levels of Thimerosal, including the killing of neurons in culture, the inhibition of the enzyme that makes methyl-B12, the inhibition of phagocytosis (the first step in the innate and acquired immune system), the inhibition of nerve growth factor function at levels not cytotoxic, and the negative effect on brain dendritic cells. It is also now quite clear from primate studies that Thimerosal, or more correctly, the ethylmercury from Thimerosal delivers mercury to the brain, and causes brain inorganic mercury levels higher than equal levels of methylmercury.
     Most recently, one study showed that 53% of autistic children had aberrant prophyrin profiles similar to mercury toxic individuals. Treatment of these children with a mercury chelator brought these porphyrins back towards normal levels indicating mercury toxicity was the cause, not genetic impairment. Porphyrin profiles are one of the most sensitive methods of measuring toxic mercury exposures. Recently, in a major advance it was shown that about 15% of individuals in one population displayed a marked sensitivity to mercury exposure in their porphyrin physiology, again supporting the concept of a genetically susceptible population that is more sensitive to mercury than the general population.
     This observation on porphyrin aberrancies brings into consideration other possible effects of mercury toxicity that are secondary to porphyrin depletion. Porphyrins are the precursors to heme synthesis. Heme is the oxygen binding prosthetic group in hemoglobin and depletion of heme would affect oxygen delivery to the mitochondria and decrease energy production. Also, heme is a component of the electron transport system of mitochondria and a prosthetic group in the P450 enzymes which are fundamental in the detox of the body from many organic toxicants including pesticides and PCBs. Just recently, a report was released implying that lack of heme was the major reason why β-amyloid plaques build up in the brains of Alzheimer's diseased subjects. It seems that heme attaches to β-amyloid helping it remain soluble and excretable. Without adequate heme one of the major pathological diagnostic hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease appears. It is well known that mercury rapidly disrupts the normal polymerization of tubulin into microtubulin in brain tissue and aberrant tubulin polymerization is a consistent factor observed in Alzheimer's diseased brain. Therefore, it is the multiple inhibitions of mercury that can cause various neurological and systemic problems and many of these are secondary to the primary site of mercury binding. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):921–934]
00110 Interview with Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier: Decreasing trends in autism and neurodevelopmental disorders followiing decreasing use of Thimerosal-containing vaccines by Mark R. Geier, David A. Geier, Teri Small
Abstract:     Thimerosal is an ethylmercury-containing compound (49.55% mercury by weight) that has been historically added to many vaccines. Starting in the early 1990s the amount of Thimerosal administered to American infants roughly tripled with addition of hepatitis B and haemophilus infleunzae type b (Hib) vaccines. Additionally, at the same time, Thimerosal-containing Rho-immune globulin began to be routinely administered to all Rh-negative mothers at 28 weeks gestation. Concurrently, significant epidemic trends in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders were observed in the United States. On July 7, 1999 the U.S. Public Health Services (USPHS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a joint-statement calling for the immediate removal of Thimerosal from all vaccines citing theoretical risks posed by the cumulative mercury doses contained in routine childhood vaccines. The most recent epidemiological research has shown a significant correlation between the reduction of Thimerosal from childhood vaccines post-1999 and the rate of new cases of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders in three independent databases in the United States. In the last several years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has undertaken a campaign to rapidly expand the required U.S. childhood vaccine schedule to include additional Thimerosal-containing vaccines, so that under the immunization schedule, children may be exposed to greater than 50% of the mercury dose children were exposed to prior to the July 7, 1999 USPHS and AAP recommendation to remove Thimerosal from vaccines. All told under the new influenza vaccine immunization schedule that calls for the administration of at one influenza vaccine to all pregnant women (at any trimester during pregnancy), and subsequent administration of 6 influenza vaccines during the first 5 years of life, today's children may be exposed to greater than 125 µg of mercury from Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccines. It is clear given recently emerging scientific evidence that mercury has no place in pharmaceuticals administered to human populations. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):935–948]
00111 Interview with Dr. Dan A. Rossignol: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children in Medical Hypotheses by Dan A. Rossignol and Teri Small
Abstract:     Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves inhaling 100% oxygen at greater than one atmosphere absolute (ATA) in a pressurized chamber. The air we breathe at sea level is defined as 1 ATA. Many of the clinical uses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) have been at pressures above 1.5 ATA. However, recently, some researchers have been using lower pressures of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with good results in some conditions. Therefore, some people use the term mild hyperbarics or low pressure hyperbarics when they talk about using hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 1.5 ATA or less. HBOT increases the amount of oxygen that is carried in the plasma. One of the properties of HBOT is an anti-inflammatory effect.
     Multiple studies have revealed that autism is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by cerebral hypoperfusion, neuro and GI inflammation, and increased oxidative stress. HBOT causes increased oxygen perfusion, has potent anti-inflammatory effects, reduces oxidative stress and increases the production of stem cells. Hypoperfusion refers to decreased blood flow. In the case of autism, numerous studies have shown decreased blood flow to the brain, especially to the temporal regions of the brain. This hypoperfusion correlates with many core autism symptoms.
     A case report is mentioned wherein Heuser treated a four-year old autistic child using lower pressure HBOT at 1.3 ATA (and 24% oxygen) and reported "striking improvement in behavior including memory and cognitive functions" after only ten sessions. Furthermore, the child had improvement of cerebral hypoperfusion as measured by pre-HBOT and post-HBOT SPECT scans. Dr. Rossignol also speaks about the results of his study entitled Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children in Medical Hypotheses. The interesting finding from this case series was that the younger children had more significant improvements in clinical outcome scores than the older children. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):949–956]
00112 Interview with Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), autism, aspartame, and mercury by Kenneth P. Stoller and Teri Small
Abstract:     This transcript is of an interview by Teri Small of AutismOne Radio recorded in March of 2006, featuring KP Stoller, MD. Dr. Stoller reviews the history and science of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and its ability to create mitochondrial biogenesis. This therapy is critical to neuro-rehabilitation and the treatment of autism and other injuries. The nuances of pressure, oxygen dosing, SPECT scans and treatment protocols are explained along with the basic stratagem of biomedical intervention in the treatment of autism. Dr Stoller also gives an in-depth explanation of the politics and the science involved in the Thimerosal - autism controversy. Politics and science are inseparable in this controversy and have made it so difficult to change policy with regards to the removal of Thimerosal from vaccines. Dr. Stoller implicates the pharma controlled federal health agencies in this the largest preventable public health disaster in history. The Thimerosal scandal is even better understood after Dr. Stoller reviews the bizarre approval by the FDA of aspartame, which had previously been classified as a potential chemical warfare agent by the military. Dispelling myths about its safety, the cancer-causing molecule that has been shrouded in malicious disinformation is revealed for the neurotoxic poison it is. The folly surrounding its ubiquitous presence in the human food chain was forced upon humanity for greed alone. Never have so many been poisoned in the history of this planet as a result of an unholy alliance between corporation and state. Never has it been so important for the public to wake to their responsibilities concerning these issues and take back their power. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):957–966]
00113 Interview with Shannon Kenitz: from a prognosis of death—to thriving via hyperbaric oxygen therapy by Shannon Kenitz and Teri Small
Abstract:     Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, also known as HBOT, uses an increase in atmospheric pressure to allow the body to incorporate more oxygen into blood cells, blood plasma, cerebral-spinal fluid, and other body fluids. Mitochondria are responsible for processing oxygen and converting substances from the foods we eat into energy for essential cell functions. Shannon Kenitz's daughter, Grace, was diagnosed with a very rare mitochondrial disease: cytochrome C reductase. After virtually living the first three years of her life in the hospital, considered in a vegetative state, and blind, doctors refused to continue measures to prolong Grace's life. Shannon Kenitz took her daughter to receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy — the only thing that was changed — and Grace has progressed to, among other things, being off seizure and GI medicines and the feeding tube; and Grace is no longer blind, she is walking, she is thriving, and she has received normal EEG's and a normal muscle biopsy. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):967–975]
00114 Forum—A child''s journey away from autism by Maureen Block
Abstract:     In December 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its Final Order on anthrax vaccine, declaring it to be 92.5% effective for preventing both inhalation and cutaneous anthrax infections. While the FDA failed to discuss in its report many of the limitations found in the original research reports by Brachman et al. (1960, 1962), it did rebut an argument presented previously in Medical Veritas (2005) concerning the lack of statistical justification for combining data from the four textile mills involved in Brachman's studies. In contrast to the FDA's conclusions, research here demonstrates that the vaccine's efficacy was not consistent across the four mills, varying substantially from one mill to the next and was lower, across all the four mills, than the alleged 92.5% rate. It is observed that the Arms Mill, which had only nine cases of anthrax during its "epidemic," had over 200 cases of the flu during the same time period. Even the number of subjects in the treatment and control groups changed from one report (1960) to another (1962). Not only was Box's M test significant, indicating that data from the four mills should not be combined, Levene tests indicated similar problems with heterogeneity of variance across data from the four mills. A variety of statistical tests support the hypothesis that there were substantial differences among the four mills, especially in terms of refusal rates, which had a direct bearing on the validity of the way in which subjects were divided between treatment and control groups. FDA's regulatory decisions with respect to anthrax vaccine absorbed, while politically expedient, appear to lack the scientific basis mandated in federal statute and affirmed by U.S. Supreme Court precedents. [©Medical Veritas, 2006 Apr; 3(1):747–752]
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