Instructions: Use the Select Authors or Select Keywords dropdown menus as desired. The + (plus) sign is authomatically inserted between two or more authors or keywords. A search for
Al-Bayati Mohammed Ali[au]+Goldman Gary S[au] 
will search for those manuscripts authored (or coauthored) by either of these two authors. Author names can be typed directly into the search bar. Typing G[au] into the SEARCH, will return all manuscripts whose author's last name begins with "G". Typing Goldman[au] ) will search for all manuscripts with any author having the last name "Goldman". Additionally, a more specific search Goldman G[au] ) can be entered. Words or phrases can also be entered directly into the search bar so these two example search terms Shaken Baby Syndrome+vaccines  will return articles where either term occurs within a manuscript title or list of keywords. When one or more authors are specified with one or more keywords, then the search locates those manuscripts having at least one of the specified authors and at least one of the keywords within that manuscript. All search term comparisons are case-insensitive (for example, Parent Forum is idential to parent forum). All search terms (whether authors or keywords) must be separated by a + sign. All manuscripts were published in the journal Medical Vereitas® in 11 volumes released in April and November each year from 2004 and 2009. Uncheck the
to hide the abstract. Press
to retrieve up to the first ten SEARCH results. Press
(again) or to retrive the next page of 10 results or press to obtain previous page. Search for [au]  to locate all 218 manuscripts.

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