Volume 5, Issue 1

Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth

April 2008, Volume 5, Issue 1

Table of Contents

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00169 Analysis of causes that led to Charles Fleming's illness and sudden death by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Charles (Chuck) Fleming's acute illness developed on June 12, 2000 induced by the ingestion of toxic doses of creatine monohydrate and high levels of propylene glycol (PEG). Chuck was taking several medications containing PEG that increased creatine bioavability and caused acute renal failure, severe hypophosphatemia, and ketoacidosis. Chuck's serum phosphorous level was 0.1 mg/dL (normal range: 2.8-4.9 mg/dL) and his hypophosphatemia caused hemolytic crisis. Chuck's red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels on June 13th were reduced by 27% of those measured on June 12th.
     The bleeding, edema, and necrosis observed in Chuck's brain were caused by the high doses of heparin and sodium bicarbonate given in the Hospital. Chuck developed acute cardiac dysfunction due to hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnisemia, metabolic acidosis, and metabolic alkalosis. Chuck suffered from cardiomegaly and pulmonary atrophy as a result of the chronic use of corticosteroid medications. Chuck's heart and right lung weights were 183% and 84% of normal average weight for age, respectively.
     The treating physicians and the medical examiner did not measure formic acid in Chuck's blood, urine, stomach contents, or tissues. The blood methanol measurements reported on June 12th and 13th represent a false positive. It is likely that the four bottles of Gatorade containing methanol presented in court are not the same bottles of Gatorade that Diane and Chuck spiked with creatine monohydrate on June 11th. The commonwealth's allegation against Diane that she poisoned her husband with methanol is not supported by medical and scientific facts, which support Diane's innocence. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1543–1572]
00170 Analysis of causes that led to rib and skull fractures, sudden illness, intracranial bleeding, and death in the case of toddler Roman Pitts by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     A male toddler suffered from cardiac arrest on May 26, 1988 after receiving amoxicillin. His stepfather, Daniel Childs, performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and called 911. The child was brought to the hospital, resuscitated, and given epinephrine 0.8 mg endotracheally and IV. He had a blood pH of 6.82, infection, and kidney and liver damage. The child was given sodium bicarbonate, antibiotics, and IV fluids. He died 4 days following admission.
     An autopsy was performed and the medical examiner (ME) found separation of the coronal suture in the child's skull, a subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain edema, five healing rib fractures, and one acute rib fracture. It was alleged that the child died as a result of blunt trauma. However, the paramedics, physicians, and nurses at two hospitals did not observe any injury caused by trauma on the child's body. His X-rays and a CT scan of the head did not show skull fracture.
     Daniel was accused of killing his stepson. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The medical evidence presented in this report indicates that 1) the child's cardiac and respiratory arrest, pulmonary edema, and liver damage were caused by an allergic reaction to amoxicillin; 2) his subarachnoid bleeding was caused by epinephrine, liver injury, infection, and vitamin K deficiency; 3) the separation of the coronal suture was caused by the increased intracranial pressure which resulted from bleeding and edema; 4) the causes of the healing rib fractures were vitamin K and protein deficiency; 5) the acute rib fracture was caused by CPR; and 6) Daniel is innocent. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1573–1588]
00171 Analysis of causes that led to rib and skull fractures adn intracranial bleeding in the case of the premature triplets Parneet, Sukhsaihaj, and Imaan by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati
Abstract:     Parneet, Sukhsaihaj, and Imaan were born at 30 weeks gestation via cesarean section and their weights were 1.31, 1.38, and 1.46 Kg, respectively. They suffered from respiratory acidosis, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, jaundice, gastroesophageal reflex, and anemia. They were discharged from the hospital at 42 days of age. The triplets were vaccinated with DTaP, IPV, Hib, and PCV vaccines at the age of 61 days in Imaan's case and 75 days in Parneet and Sukhsaihaj's case. At 15 days following vaccination, Parneet suffered from apnea, metabolic acidosis, seizures, infections, intracranial and retinal bleeding, and a skull fracture. Sukhsaihaj developed respiratory tract and eye infections, severe anemia, bleeding, and skull fracture. Imaan had severe anemia and a skull fracture. It was alleged that the babies' injuries were caused by blunt trauma to the head. The parents were accused of causing the triplet's injuries.
     The clinical data described in this report reveal that the triplet's health problems were caused by vaccines. The severity of their injuries correlates with their hemoglobin levels at the time of vaccination. The subcutaneous and the intracranial bleeding resulted from protein and vitamin K deficiencies and infections. Severe anemia, vitamin K deficiency, and systemic infections are the likely causes of Parneet's retinal bleeding. The skull fractures resulted from protein and vitamin K deficiencies. The severity of the fractures correlates with the severity of the protein and vitamin K deficiencies, the degree of the infection, and the level of the intracranial pressure. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1589–1609]
00172 Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research by Paul G. King and Gary S. Goldman
Abstract:     The propaganda dispensed by Public health care and vaccine apologists is, at best, a weak attempt to rationalize the healthcare establishment's positions using all the tools of doublespeak or, as George Orwell's called it in his book 1984, "newspeak", to: (a) mislead, (b) distort reality, (c) pretend to communicate, (d) make the bad seem good, (e) avoid and/or shift responsibility, (f) make the negative appear positive, (g) create a false verbal map of the world, and (h) create dissonance between reality and what their narrative said or did not say.
     Such propaganda often relies on half-truths and/or superficially logical, but foundationally flawed, phrasing. However, this propaganda is fundamentally flawed and based on pseudo-science or non-reviewable statistical studies of medical records, where, contrary to ethical science, the study design, data selection/rejection criteria, exact approach used to evaluate the data, and/or the original data itself are kept confidential making independent evaluation/verification of the published findings impossible. A review of the statements from an article in the November 1, 2007 issue of the Skeptical Inquirer that is entitled "Vaccines and Autism: Myths and Misconceptions" by Steven Novella, MD (which was found online at http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-170731919.html) triggered this presentation of the factual realities that rebut the myths/misconceptions presented in that article and/or in similar articles published and/or underwritten by the purveyors of vaccines and vaccination recommendations. Each myth/misconception is summarized in a short statement and then addressed by presenting the factual reality and when appropriate, providing peer-reviewed references that support this reality. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1610–1644]
00173 A rebuttal to the doublespeak in "Parents, officials struggle over right to refuse vaccinations by Paul G. King
Abstract:     A review of a November 11, 2007 Daily Harold article by Logan Molyneux. The article, titled, Parents, officials struggle over right to refuse vaccines, was located and then downloaded on 12 Nov. 2007 from: http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/243180/3/ This review addresses each point raised in detail and establishes that factual evidence presented in this review does not support most of the issues raised by the writer. Passages in italics between opening and closing quote marks are short quotations from the article reviewed. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1645–1666]
00174 Should we believe the latest CDC vaccine study? by Sandy Gottstein
Abstract:     A recent CDC study entitled, Historical Comparisons of Morbidity and Mortality for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the United States, alleges to show a variety of benefits accrued as a result of vaccination. The CDC has a long history, however, of: a) exaggerating the benefits of vaccines while at the same time ignoring and/or dismissing their long-term risks and b) exaggerating the long-term consequences of diseases. This paper compares known death rates, pre- and post-vaccine for measles and pertussis, to those used in the CDC article. Insofar as pertussis and measles vaccine are concerned, CDC continues their pattern of ignoring significant declines in deaths for these diseases prior to vaccination. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1667–1669]
00175 Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA): Conflicts of interest and vaccine development—preserving the integrity of the process by Dan Burton
Abstract:     This manuscript was extracted from the World Wide Web at http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/useftp.cgi?IPaddress= name=73042.pdf&directory=/data/wais/data/106_house_hearings. It presents the Hearing before the Committee on Government Reform that occurred on June 15, 2000 in the House of Representatives, 106th Congress, 2nd session (serial no 106-239). The original 2001 document, in addition to being available online, is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001.
     This hearing concerning conflicts of interest and vaccine development includes statements of Chairman Dan Burton, Henry A. Waxman, Danny K. Davis, Marilyn Glynn (General Counsel, Office of Government Ethics), James Dean (Director, Office of Government Wide Policy, U.S. General Services Administration), Linda A. Suydam, (D.P.A., Senior Associate, Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration), Dixie Snider, Jr., MD (Executive Secretary, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, CDC), and Benjamin A. Gilman. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1670–1696]
00176 Lead-containing blankets offered for sale for use with autistic children by Teri Arranga, Lois Smith, Kevin McNeill, Sharon Hudson, and Richard Leiker
Abstract:     This is a transcription of a special Autism One Radio program aired on December 19, 2007 concerning lead-containing blankets offered for sale for use with autistic children. If you or anyone you know has purchased or been given what is supposed to be a weighted therapy blanket or vest, this is information you need to hear. Terri Arranga, the host, interviews parent, Lois Smith; Kevin McNeill, Lead-Based Paint Inspector & Risk Assessor, St. Clair County Health Department, Michigan; Sharon Hudson, Coordinator, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Michigan Department of Community Health and Richard Leiker, Section Manager for Environmental Toxicology in the Public Health Division in Portland, Oregon. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1697–1705]
00177 Editorial—Autism: Evidence of Endogenous Poisoning by Ruth Whalen
Abstract:     Ruth Whalen, a medical technologist with extensive knowledge of biochemistry, recovered from a 24-year course of central nervous system poisoning due to caffeine, other FDA approved toxins and chronic medical misdiagnoses. She then began experiencing symptoms of neurodegeneration due to stress, FDA approved toxins in her food and pesticides on her food. No longer willing to seek traditional medical care, Ruth researched, utilized Dr. Abram Hoffer's treatment plan for mental illness, which seems to have been overlooked by the mainstream medical community for approximately 45 years, and recovered. Ruth Whalen discovered that the body has a "second gear" system, which she reasons can be activated by oxidative stress. This second gear system is composed of extra methylated chemicals, including 3-O-methyldopa, a cytotoxic biochemical. According to Ruth Whalen, any substance or situation that causes the adrenal glands to be over stimulated can cause endogenous toxicity, which she proposes has been erroneously diagnosed as pesticide poisoning, autism, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other named disorders. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1706–1707]
00178 Les Incompetents: My open letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics by K. Paul Stoller
Abstract:     A protest resignation from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), by a pediatrician with two decades of membership, is precipitated by the organization's sellout of the world's children by a policy that arrogantly and blindly ignored basic toxicology and safety limits when it involved vaccine and enabled a dangerous immunization mandate by the compromised Centers for Disease Control (CDC) via publication of CDC sponsored low quality epidemiology studies showing no connection between vaccines with Thimerosal written by individuals involved in producing Thimerosal-containing vaccines without disclosure (the conclusion of the studies showed Thimerosal removal caused autism). The AAP is fully aware of the untainted CDC analysis presented at the secret Simpsonwood conference and has known for almost a decade that Thimerosal causes neurodevelopmental disorders. Perpetuating the myth that affected children have come to the fore only because of better diagnosing, or because of a genetic epidemic (there are no genetic epidemics), the AAP has helped to subject the world's children to environmental triggers that effect both mitochondrial function and brain activity. Driven by hubris and the largesse of vaccine manufacturers, the AAP has helped cause the loss of valuable time to rectify the crisis, the loss of a generation of children and perpetuated untold suffering worldwide. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1708–1709]
00179 Editorial—"Tell me who your friends are..." by Marc Girard
Abstract:     When the Mikaeloff et al. study was announced, everybody (myself included) understood that the cases would be the 472 MS-diagnosed children in the "KIDMUS" cohort—an alarming number of children because pediatric MS is not a recognized medical condition. Therefore, it would be interesting to know why Mikaeloff et al. retained only 143 (less than one third) of these 472 children in their study.
     There were a number of reasons to be highly suspicious of the validity of this study by Mikaeloff et al. besides Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine publishing this problematic investigation and making it available without cost. Was it really necessary to publish an accompanying editorial touting this study under the fallacious pretext of "science"?
     To conclude, Mikaeloff et al.'s investigation failed to answer the question which triggered its planning and execution, and was perfectly summarized by Tardieu—one of its co-authors—in 2004: Why, in a period where the main change in environment was vaccination against hepatitis B, did the 1990s show a burst of pediatric MS, a disease extremely rare in that age group and whose overall epidemiology, anyway, has normally been quite stable? To be more precise, why, following this vaccination campaign, did the KIDMUS cohort show a 25-fold increase in the frequency of pediatric MS as compared to previous records? A question strangely consistent with a more general one: "Why, as compared to the latest record prior to the vaccination campaign, did the widely accepted estimation of MS cases in the French population show an increase from about 25,000 at baseline in 1993 to the current 80,000-90,000?" To say nothing about this second interesting question: "Whatever its real cause, why did such an alarming situation not trigger from the French authority any investigation other than that of Mikaeloff et al.?"
     Conflicts of interest: Dr. Girard works as an independent consultant for the pharmaceutical industry, including (at least until recently) the manufacturers of the hepatitis vaccine and some of their competitors. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1710–1712]
00180 Editorial—Who are our real terrorists in 2008? by Boyd E. Haley
Abstract:     Current ADA opinion regarding dental amalgam is that it is safe even though it contains about 500,000 parts per million mercury which constantly leaches out at scientifically measured rates that should not be accepted by any dental device. Supporting a device that contains about 500,000 ppm of exceptionally neurotoxic mercury while objecting to devices containing about 185 ppm, on the average, of a less toxic lead seems quite inconsistent—unless the ADA's concern has nothing to do with human health.
     Bottom line, the U.S. health care organizations can apparently expose you to all of the toxins they want without any real concern for legal, FDA or congressional action, but we can not let the Chinese do the same. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1713]
00181 The truth behind the vaccine cover-up by Russell L. Blaylock
Abstract:     On June 7-8, 2000 a secret conference was held at the Simpsonwood Conference Center in Norcross, Georgia to discuss a study examining the link between increasing doses of Thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders. The study was done using the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) database, an official governmental data bank collecting patient vaccination information on the children from the health maintenance organizations (HMOs) being paid to participate. Attending were 51 scientists, representatives of pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturing companies and a representative of the World Health Organization; the public and the media were unlawfully excluded. The conclusions of this meeting were quite startling, since it confirmed a dose-response link between Thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders that held up to rigorous statistical analyses.
     In their discussion, they make plain why the meeting was held in secret: the conclusions would have destroyed the public's confidence in the vaccine program, and more importantly, their faith in vaccine authorities. When the results of this study were published three years later in the journal Pediatrics, the "problem" had been fixed, in that by adding another set of data from a third HMO, reorganizing the criteria for inclusion and restructuring the patient groupings, a less than statistically significant link was demonstrated. In my analysis I discuss the more outrageous statements made during the meeting and how accepted experts in the field of mercury neurotoxicity were excluded from the meeting. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1714–1726]
00182 Review—The danger of excessive vaccination during brain development: the case for a link to Autsim Spectrum Disorders (ASD) by Russell L. Blaylock
Abstract:     The incidence of postnatal autism has increased dramatically, beginning after the mid-1980s. A number of studies have related this rise in incidence to a significant increase in the number of vaccines added to the immunization schedule for newborns and small children beginning at this same time. Despite an intensive effort to identify the causation of this disorder little has been offered in terms of a central mechanism. A number of observations concerning alteration in immune system function, abnormal organic acid synthesis, mercury toxicity and gliamorphin effects on cerebral function have been made. Yet, none of these explains adequately the relationship to vaccinations. A compelling amount of research has shown that repeated stimulation of the systemic immune system results in first priming of the microglia in the developing brain, followed by an intense microglial reaction with each successive series of vaccinations. Because of the critical dependence of the developing brain on a timed sequence of cytokine and excitatory amino acid fluctuation, sequential vaccination can result in alterations in this critical process that will not only result in synaptic and dendritic loss but abnormal pathway development. When activated, especially chronically, microglia, the resident immune cell of the brain, secretes a number of inflammatory cytokines, free radicals, lipid peroxidation products, complement and two excitotoxins—glutamate and quinolinic acid. This evidence suggests that this central mechanism results in the pathological as well as clinical features of autism. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1727–1741]
00183 Vaccines, depression, and neurodegeneration after age 50 years: another reason to avoid the recommended vaccines by Russell L. Blaylock
Abstract:     There is growing evidence that a number of the psychiatric disorders are strongly related to glutamate excess. Likewise, recent studies have shown a connection between chronic inflammation and these same disorders. A compelling amount of research links these two observations, excitotoxicity and immune over-reactivity. It is known that systemic activation of the immune system also rapidly activates the brain special immune system, regulated by the microglia. Based on results of studies of the sickness behavior response to natural infections, neuroscientists have deciphered much of the mechanism responsible for the behavioral effects associated with intense systemic immune activation, including social isolation, depression, anxiety and a loss of appetite. Most of these symptoms are shared by the major depressive disorders. Other studies have linked neurodegeneration and a worsening of neurodegenerative diseases to systemic immune activation. In this paper I demonstrate the known link between systemic immune activation, brain microglial activation and both major depressive disorder and a worsening of neurodegenerative diseases. Because a number of vaccines are being recommended to adults, many spaced close together, the risk of precipitating or worsening these disorders is quite real. The mechanism for this process is discussed. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1742–1747]
00184 How to legally avoid vaccination by Ingri Cassel and Dewey Duffel
Abstract:     This article presents eight rules concerning vaccination laws in America and the 50 united states. The original author is unknown although the information, likely written in 1996, has been posted to many educational forums and websites. Our country and its laws have changed dramatically since September 11, 2001. The assumption throughout the article is that we live in a free country with our federal and state Constitutions in place as the supreme law(s) of the land. While this may not technically be true any longer, it is important to conduct yourself and your affairs regarding your fundamental right to own your body and make medical decisions affecting the healthcare of your children as though these rights are indeed protected by your state's statutes. The advice in the article is sound and has worked for countless families. However, many states have passed some version of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act that allows states to forcibly vaccinate and/or medicate its citizens during a national emergency without accepting any sort of liability should death or injury occur as a result. During such a declared emergency, vaccine exemptions will be a moot point legally. [©Medical Veritas, 2008 Apr; 5(1):1748–1752]
    Book Reviews:  
         Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases by Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop 1753
         Cancer: 101 Solutions to a Preventable Epidemic by Liz Armstrong, Guy Dauncey, and Anne Wordsworth 1753
         Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods by Jeffrey M. Smith 1755
         Sexy Hormones by Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe, MS and Alvin Pettle, MD 1756
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